Saturday, February 11, 2012

Decorating with old suitcase

I found these suitcases on craigslist for $25.00.  I already had an old handmade toolbox I painted brown and a $5.00 suitcase I painted tourquise.  I wanted to make something fun and colorful!!

...mission accomplished

An old mirror turned chalkboard

I found this mirror at Goodwill for $10.00.  I sprayed the mirror with chalkboard spray.

I painted the frame yellow and mod podged 40cent scrapbook paper on the inside edges.  This is our new family quote board.

Girls dresser

I don't have a before picture of this dresser but I thought it appropriate to post it with the matching bookshelf.  I used the same colors as the girls bookshelf.  This was a solid oak dresser that my husband used growing up, but it needed some love so we added wood handles, which we painted, and Whaa Laaa!! We have created a beautiful dresser for our two beautiful daughters..

Girls bookshelf

These are two seperate pieces of furniture that were found at thrift stores and given to me.

I sanded most of it down then primed it it.  I painted parts of it white "Pot of Cream" and once it dried I taped off sections to paint another color.

...continueing with the taping

Now I added the pink "Silk Ribbon"

I added the green "Grass Cloth" right by the dark pink, the light pink "Poetic Princess" and brown to the shelves.  Last I stenciled flowers at the top.  The same ones for the matching dresser.